
Upcoming events

Past events

General Meeting


This event will be virtual, hosted by HKI

General Meeting


This event was virtual, hosted by HKI

BestTreat Symposium


The event took place in Berlin.

The "Frontiers In Host-Microbiota Symbiotic Interactions" symposium was held live and in person in Hotel Aquino Berlin. More information about the program here.

The aim of the symposium is to bring together experts from academia and industry that are driving technological advancements and striving to understand the interactions between the human microbiome and health. This meeting will update current knowledge of how various microbiomes communicate with the host, the factors that influence these interactions and discuss the new developments enabled by metagenomics, metabolomics, single cell sequencing and other technologies.

The symposium in brief:
- 20 speakers from diverse European institutions and Israel with diverse fields of competence in relation to the conference's topic
- 4 short talks selected from abstract submission
- 11 Poster presentations
- 29 attendance from Germany and Europe
- And a great opportunity for BestTreat ESRs for science communication and networking

Annual Meeting


The event was virtual, hosted by HKI

The 7th annual meeting has been successfully accomplished. An impressive progress in the research work of our ESRs and a prolific discussion with PIs and supervisory board members.

Mid-Term Meeting


The event was virtual, hosted by HKI

The consortium discussed the work progress accompanied by a successful interaction between ESRs, PIs and advisory board members

General Meeting


This event was virtual, hosted by HKI

The consortium discussed the work progress of the ESRs as well as internal matters

Training school C

19.08.2020 - 21.08.2020

This event was virtual, hosted by AMC and Biofaction

These two days of training introduced the ESRs to scientific, statistical and ethical aspects of clinical trials research, with a special focus on fecal microbial transplantation (FMT). The ESRs gained understanding on the lifecycle of a clinical trial, from design to delivery and analysis. Ethical, legal, and regulatory issues has been covered, as well as protocol preparation, patient monitoring, and trial study designs. The ESRs obtained transferable skills covering the translation of microbiota discoveries to marketable products, intellectual property (IPR) management, and science communication.

The 2 days training on Fundamentals of Clinical Trials (AMC) were followed by The Art and Science Module (Biofaction) which introduced the creative, reflective and critical work of artist who uses biological media as their way of expression. The artwork of these bioartists is meant to inspire and think deeply about the ESRs own work in ways not directly related to generation of knowledge or production of innovative products and processes for the market. What could be seen as a distraction at first glance could help the ESRs to approach their work from entirely different angles and could lead to different types of innovation beyond the bio-economy.

Mid-Term Meeting



General Meeting



Training school B

19.02.2020 - 26.02.2020


Afekta in collaboration with the UEF Business School will run a session on Entrepreneurship, Business & Innovation. ESRs will have the chance to visit Afekta’s offices and laboratories giving them insight into how small spin out companies are working.


DTU’s BIOSUSTAIN centre will organise a session on Microbiome Systems Biology. ESRs will learn theory and practice of bioengineering and its latest developments.

Training school A

23.08.2019 - 30.08.2019

Vienna, Berlin, Jena

Training school A’s scientific focus is on next generation sequencing. The course is hold at HKI. ESRs will learn how to analyse short read sequencing data from next generation sequencing platforms using the most common, state of the art techniques. The course will include as well a session on how to present the results of next generation sequencing analysis in scientific publications, talks and posters.
Our partners at Biofaction will combine teaching public communication and presentation skills with raising awareness of biosafety, bioethics and regulatory issues in synthetic biology in a playful way. In addition there will be a workshop on gender imbalance in academic and industrial research.


General Assembly Meeting

BestTreat Kickoff Meeting

01.04.2019 - 02.04.2019

Hotel Aquino. Berlin, Germany

BestTreat Pre-Kickoff Meeting

20.10.2018 - 22.10.2018

Leibniz Association, Room Leipzig, Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin, Germany

During the pre-Kickoff Meeting the major collaborative plans between the PIs were discussed.

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